
Al Rayyan Agricultural provides its customers in the agricultural sector with the finest types of vegetable and fruit seeds.

Pitmos and Perlite

Agricultural Pesticides
Agricultural Guidance and Media
Al Rayyan Agricultural has a team specialized in agricultural information and guidance composed of agronomists and media professionals to contribute to providing information to society and farmers in a simplified manner that helps to developing their capabilities and solving their problems, and the company’s staff welcomes always responding to inquiries or solutions needed by the farmers.

Agricultural Equipment and Machinery


Greenhouses and
Air-conditioned Halls
Training Program for Newly Graduated Agronomists
We are proud that we were the first to launch specialized programs in training newly graduated agronomists as part of a training and operational qualification program that contributes to raising the level of individuals in agricultural sciences and different experiences in this field. The program includes advisory publications and training courses inside and outside the State of Qatar and other various activities

Soil conditioners


Supervising and Managing Agricultural Projects
Al Rayyan is characterized by its teams in supervising, monitoring and managing various agricultural projects, as the company oversees many projects in the State of Qatar.
Reach Us
Po Box: 1504
Salwa road
Doha, Qatar
+974 4442 4430